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 KLATT 1987, p. v 
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EDITORIAL NOTE -- Manuscript Length

The review and tutorial paper published in this issue ("Review of text-to-speech conversion for English," by Dennis H. Klatt) is somewhat longer than usual for a Journal review paper, because of its comprehensive and historic coverage of related subject material. However, the Editor makes no apology for this, because the density of information is high and the paper is a model for clarity and ease of reading. Moreover, the paper concerns a part of speech communication in which Journal coverage has recently been minimal and needs expansion. The Editor hopes this review paper will encourage other contributors in speech processing and systems.

[Journal of the Acoustical Society of America]

Editor's note: This is the ninety-sixth in a series of review and tutorial papers on various aspects of acoustics.

(Received 5 May 1986; accepted for publication 1 May 1987)


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 KLATT 1987, p. v 
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