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Transcription of Recordings
from the
Smithsonian Speech Synthesis History Project

Recordings SSSHP 8 to SSSHP 172


This report contains outlines of the contents of tape and disk recordings collected for the Smithsonian Speech Synthesis History Project (SSSHP).

All tapes, records, artifacts, and reprints, were assigned a sequential SSSHP number as they were received, starting with SSSHP 1 in 1988. This report concerns those items that are tape or disk recordings.

For a few tapes of Japanese synthesis, the contributing organization provided a transcription in Japanese characters in addition to the transcription in roma-ji. For these cases, the transcription in Japanese characters can be found in the corresponding Laboratory File.

Although discouraged in the request letter, there are some samples of vocoded human speech. Transcriptions of these samples have been included, although they are not strictly synthesis in the spirit of the history project, and some have not been included in the history outlines.


SSSHP  8: Votrax VS4, VS6, VS6G2 Synthesizers

SSSHP  9: Speech Synthesis, W.A. Ainsworth, Univ. Keele 

SSSHP 15: Telephone Interviews - H.D. Maxey

SSSHP 17: TSI Speech Reading System Announcement 12/77

SSSHP 18: Telesensory System & Speech Plus Compilation

SSSHP 21: Xerox/Kurzweil Personal Reader Demonstration

SSSHP 22: KRM Series 400 Demonstration, 1984

SSSHP 26: Speech Synthesis by Rule, ETL, 1969

SSSHP 29: NTT-1, NTT Human Interface Laboratories

SSSHP 30: NTT-2, NTT Human interface Laboratories

SSSHP 31: TSI Demo, Jared Bernstein, Nov. 11, 1980

SSSHP 32: Text-to-Speech History, D. Klatt, 1987

SSSHP 33: MITalk, TSI Comparisons (Pisoni Tests)

SSSHP 38: Tape 4, Sleeping Beauty, ETL, 1968

SSSHP 39: Speech Synthesis by Rule, ETL, 1969

SSSHP 42: A Speech Synthesis System by Rule, Kyushu

SSSHP 44: NTT-3, Sadaoki Furui (NTT), Feb. 15, 1989

SSSHP 45: Text-to Speech in Japanese, Kuyshu

SSSHP 47: Genesis of Speech Synthesis in Japan, RRL

SSSHP 48: Text-to-Speech Synthesis Using Dyads, BTL

SSSHP 49: Digital Speech Coding, R. V. Cox, 4-29-88

SSSHP 50: Vocal Cord - Vocal Tract Synthesizer, BTL

SSSHP 51: AT&T Bell Labs Voder from World's Fair 1939

SSSHP 52: Text-to-Speech Articulatory Model, BTL, 1980

SSSHP 58: Speech Coding Demonstration, BTL, 1979

SSSHP 59: Synthetic Voices for Computers, BTL, 1970

SSSHP 61: NTT-4, Sadaoki Furui (NTT), Apr. 12, 1989

SSSHP 62: Speech Synthesis by Rule, NEC, 1989

SSSHP 63: A Terminal Analog Speech Synthesizer, NEC

SSSHP 64: Japanese Book Reader for the Blind, NEC, 1989

SSSHP 65: Speech Synthesis by Rule, Hitachi, 1989

SSSHP 66: Tape #808, Haskins Labs, 1989

SSSHP 67: Tape 1, Synthesized Speech in 1966 ETL News

SSSHP 68: Tape 2, Dr. Matsui's Demo in 1968, ETL

SSSHP 69: Tape 3, ETL Acoustic Model in 1965, ETL

SSSHP 70: Tape 4, 'Sleeping Beauty' From Original, ETL

SSSHP 71: Tape 5, Japanese 'Tongue Twisters', ETL

SSSHP 72: Smithsonian Seminar, H.D. Maxey 6/87

SSSHP 73: Maxey Smithsonian Seminar 5/26/89

SSSHP 77: JSRU Demo Synthesis 1965

SSSHP 80: SCP Master #942, IBM, 1967

SSSHP 81: Speech Anal./Syn. Demo, Copy 2-9, IBM, 1967

SSSHP 82: The Human Voice and the Computer, IEEE, 1971

SSSHP 83: Some Reminiscences, F.S. Cooper, 1972

SSSHP 84: PAT - Synthesized Intonations

SSSHP 86: TUm - Syn. from Neuromotor Command, Tohoku

SSSHP 87: TUc - Syn. of Chinese Tone, Tohoku Univ

SSSHP 88: TUp - Syn. of Pathological Voices, Tohoku

SSSHP 89: K.N. Stevens' Review of History Outlines

SSSHP 90: MIT - Machines That Talk, Spring 1960

SSSHP 91: MIT - Demo Tape 1, 10/90

SSSHP 92: MIT - Demo Tape 2, 10/90

SSSHP 93: MIT - Demo Tape 3, 10/90

SSSHP 94: PAT - Synthesized Intonations circa 1962

SSSHP 95: Videotape: Stephen Hawking: Universe Within

SSSHP 99: Synthetic Voices for Computers, BTL, 1970

SSSHP 106: Meet the Expert, 30 Jan 58, Dr. H.M. Truby

SSSHP 114: MITalk 79 speech from development, 1978-1979

SSSHP 115: Videotape: MITalk '79

SSSHP 116: BBN Phonetic Vocoder

SSSHP 117: IBM Diphone Speech Synthesis, WALRUS System, 1984

SSSHP 118: Voice Output From Computers, ICS, 1980

SSSHP 119: Lawrence - PAT / U of M, 12-15-61

SSSHP 120: Univ. of Michigan - Examples

SSSHP 121: Dr. Delattre's talk on acoustic cues, 11/17/61

SSSHP 122: Dr. Delattre's talk on acoustic cues, 11/17/61

SSSHP 123: BTL Demo Record/Hamlet, Daisy

SSSHP 124: Prof. Delattre's Pattern Playback Examples, 8/4/61

SSSHP 125: SCS - 1962/Stockholm Vocoder Demo Tape Sept. 1962

SSSHP 126: Stockholm Vocoder Demo. Tape, STL/RIT, Sept. 1962

SSSHP 127: Machines That Talk, MIT, 2/62

SSSHP 128: Univ. of Mich. and MIT Demo Tapes, 1961

SSSHP 129: P.A.T. Demo 1962, E.T. Uldall, May, 1962

SSSHP 130: P.G.E.C. Demonstration, IBM

SSSHP 131: We wish you a merry Xmas, IBM

SSSHP 132: Archival Tape - H.D. Maxey, 3/65

SSSHP 133: Speech Synthesis by Rule - JSRU England, 3/65

SSSHP 134: Diphone Synthesis Demo, 4/66

SSSHP 135: Diphone Demo MASTER III, Oct '67, IBM

SSSHP 136: Speech Analysis/Synthesis Survey Tape, AFCRL, 1967

SSSHP 137: Sleeping Beauty, E. Matsui,, ETL, Aug 1968

SSSHP 138: Synthesis Samples, Japanese, IBM

SSSHP 139: Boone Demo, ASA of NC, Boone, IBM

SSSHP 140: IBM 7770, 1969

SSSHP 141: Application Based Sample Speech of VS4, May 15, 1972

SSSHP 142: The Sounds of Computalker, 1976

SSSHP 143: Dialogue Homme/Machine, Recherches/Acoustique, 1977

SSSHP 144: TSI Speech/Reading System Announcement, VC003T, 1977

SSSHP 145: Report on the Kurzweil Reading Machine for the Blind

SSSHP 146: Klatt-Talk KT-1 Demo, May 1980

SSSHP 147: Klatt Syn-by-Rule, Oct 1971, MIT

SSSHP 148: TSI Demo, J. Bernstein, 11/11/80

SSSHP 150: IBM Diphone Speech Synthesis (1961-1970)

SSSHP 165: Meet the Expert, 30 Jan 58, Dr. H.M. Truby
           (copy of SSSHP 106)

SSSHP 166: "Eye on Research: The Six Parameters of PAT"

SSSHP 167: "Eye on Research: The Six Parameters of PAT"
           (Copy of SSSHP 166) 

SSSHP 171: "Cornell University speech synthesis samples"

SSSHP 172: "Eloquent Technology, Inc. speech synthesis samples"

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