Index S | SSSHP Contents | Labs | Abbr. | Index | Page- | Page+
Sagayama, S., ntt
Sagisaka, Y., ntt
Saito, Shuzo, ntt
Saito, T., hita
Sampei, T., hita
Santos, A., spai
Santos, Juan M., spai
Sapozhkov, M. A., ussr
Sato, H., hita
Sato, Hirokazu, ntt
Sawabe, H., ntt
Schafer, Ronald W., btl1, btl2, btl3, btl4
Schmidt-Nielsen, Astrid (McHugh), nrl
Schott, L. O., btl1, btl4, hask
Schroeder, Manfred R., btl1, btl4
Schwartz, Richard M., bbn
Scott, Robert S., nsa
SCRL (Speech Communication Research Lab.), hask, scrl
Seeviour, P. M., jsru
Shankweiler, Donald P., hask
Shearme, John N., hask, jsru, keel, mit, nsa
Shipley, K. L., btl1, btl4
Shiraki, Koichi, kyus
Sholes, George N., hask
Shore, John E., nrl
Shoup, June, hask, scrl
Signals Res. and Dev. Establishment (UK), anth, edi, four, ibm, melp, srde, ucol
Sivertsen, E., umic
Sivowitch, Elliot, hist
Smith, Caldwell P., afcr
Society of Users, Glace-Holmes Synthesizer (SOUGHS), afcr, nsa
"Some Early Research in Animal Communication," Mark Twain (synthetic), hask
SOUGHS (Society of Users, Glace-Holmes Synthesizer), afcr, nsa
Sound spectrograph, anth, btl1, four, hask ; synthesizer, btl1
SP0256-AL2 speech synthesizer (General Instrument Corp.), votr
SPARTE text to speech system, cnet
SPASS formant synthesizer, mit
Speak & Spell toy, ti
Speaker, D. M., melp
Speech Communication Research Lab., hask, scrl
Speech PAC, speech synthesizer, votr
Speech Plus Inc., tsi

Speech analysis, btl1, btl2, edi, jsru, mit, rit, umic
Speech analysis, demonstration kits (BTL), btl3
Speech analysis, glottal pulse shape, btl3
Speech analysis, intonation of American English, umic
Speech analysis, inverse filtering, rrl, scrl
Speech analysis, Japanese, toky
Speech analysis, mynah bird, mit
Speech analysis, pronunciation of American English, umic
Speech analysis, segment inventories for American English, umic

Speech synthesis (see also Languages & dialects)
Speech synthesis, breath groups, scrl
Speech synthesis, compressed word concatenation, ibm
Speech synthesis, demi-syllable assembly, hita
Speech synthesis, demonstration kit (BTL), btl3
Speech synthesis, different voices, dec
Speech synthesis, English intonation, btl3
Speech synthesis, evaluation, afcr, ibm, indi, nrl, tsi
Speech synthesis, female voice, dec, hita, mit, ntt, rit
Speech synthesis, formant synthesis by rule, edi, eloq, mit, votr
Speech synthesis, formant-coded diphone assembly, ibm
Speech synthesis, formant-coded word assembly, btl3
Speech synthesis, from neuromuscular commands, ucla
Speech synthesis, histories & surveys, btl3, earl, eloq, hask, mit
Speech synthesis, human-speech dyads, umic
Speech synthesis, human-speech phonemes, umic
Speech synthesis, intonation rules, hita
Speech synthesis, LPC words, ti
Speech synthesis, LSP syllable assembly, kyus
Speech synthesis, mechanical models, earl, etl, ucla
Speech synthesis, morpheme decomposition, btl2, kurz, mit
Speech synthesis, natural segment assembly, btl1, nec, ntt
Speech synthesis, neuromuscular commands, toho
Speech synthesis, pathological voices, toho
Speech synthesis, poem, hask
Speech synthesis, songs, btl1, btl2, earl, hask, hita, ibm, mit, rit
Speech synthesis, sound spectrograph synthesizer, btl1
Speech synthesis, syllable assembly, toky
Speech synthesis, synthetic segment assembly, ntt
Speech synthesis, text to phoneme rules, btl3, nrl, ti
Speech synthesis, The Voder, btl1
Speech synthesis, unexplored effects, btl2
Speech synthesis, vocal cord model, btl1
Speech synthesis, vocal tract model, camb, cnet, mit, ucla
Speech synthesis, vocoded word assembly, ibm
Speech synthesis, waveform compilation, hita

SpeechWorks International Inc., eloq, hert
Speechify text-to-speech (SpeechWorks International Inc.), eloq
Spickenagle, N., btl2, btl4
SRDE (Signals Res. and Dev. Establishment, UK), anth, edi, four, ibm, melp, srde, ucol
SRS (Speech Research System), corn, hert
Stanford University, tsi
Stead, Leslie, four
Stefanski, R. A., mit
Stephen Hawking, tsi
Stephens, A. P., jsru
Stern, Randall (Randy), kurz
Stevens, Kenneth N., anth, mit
Stewart, John Q., btl1, btl4
Street Electronics Corporation, ti
Strevens, Peter, anth
Studdert-Kennedy, Michael G., hask
Suehiro, A., hita
Sugamura, Noboru, ntt
Suzuki, Jouji, rrl
Suzuki, Kazuhiro, kyus
Suzuki, Torazo, etl
Suzuki, Toshiro, hita
Swaffield, John, four, jsru
Sweet, Henry, anth
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