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Susie's New Stove
Illustrated by Corinne Malvern (1901–1956)
Come Play House
Illustrated by Eloise Wilkin (1904–1987)

Books like Come Play House and Susie’s New Stove modeled appropriate adult behavior for young learners. Children’s books reflect the values of the greater society in which they are created, and Little Golden Books showed children as “little grownups” attending to the duties of caring for home and family. The female characters in many Little Golden Books personify the cultural norms that characterized women’s roles in the 1950s.

Susie's New Stove cover art

Susie's New Stove cover art

Come Play House black and white illustration

Come Play House black and white illustration

Susie's New Stove illustration

Susie's New Stove illustration

Come Play House illustration

Come Play House illustration

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