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A Letter from George Washington, November 30, 1785

Transcript of the Letter

Dear Sir;

Your favor of the 16th came duly to hand & and I thank you for its several communications.

The Resolutions which were published for consideration vesting Congress with powers to regulate the Commerce of the Union have, I hope, been acceded to.—If the States individually were to attempt this an abortion, or a many headed monster would be the issue.—If we consider ourselves, or wish to be considered by others as a United people why not adopt the measures which are characteristic of it—Act as a Nation—and support the honor & dignity of one?—If we are afraid to trust one another under qualified powers there is an end to the Union. Why then need we be sollicitous to hold up the farce of it?

It gives me pleasure to hear that there is such an accordance of sentiments between the Eastern & Western parts of this State.—My opinion of the seperation has always been to meet them half way, upon fair & just grounds & part like friends disposed to acts of brotherly kindness thereafter.—I wish you had mentioned the territorial line between us.—

The Port Bill, the Assize Law (or any substitute for the speedy Administration of Justice) being established—Good faith with respect to treaties preserved by public Acts—Taxation continued & regularly collected that Justice to one part of the community may keep pace with relief to the other and our national character for Justice thereby supported.—A due attention to the Militia—And encouragement to extend the inland Navigation of this Commonwealth where it may be useful & practicable (which will not only be of amazing convenience & advantage to its Citizens, but sources of immense wealth to the Country through some of its Channels) are amongst the great & important objects which will come before the Assembly a due attention to which will, I trust, mark the present epocha for having produced able Statesmen—sound patriots—and liberally minded men—

At a late meeting of the Directors of the Potomack Company at the Great Falls, & from a critical examination of the ground we unanimously determined to petition the Assemblies of the two States to be relieved from the expence of sinking our Canal four feet deep as a considerable expence & no advantage that we could discover is like to attend it.—As the Petition which is herewith sent under cover to you & Colo. Syme recites the reasons on which it is founded I shall not repeat them.—The public, as well as the Company, interest calls for an economical use of the fund which has been subscribed for this undertaking.—The enemies therefore (if there are any) to the Navigation are equally bound with its friends to give it support.—

I should be much obliged to you for desiring the public printer to send me the Journals of the present Session from its commencement & to do it through the Session as they are printed by the Post—I pray you to pay him for them, and for my Gazettes (if Hay is the public printer) and I will repay you with thanks when you return.—

I am very glad to hear you have got so well over your fever—Mrs. Stuart has had a bad cold but is getting much better of it. All here join me in best wishes for you—and

I am—Dear Sir

Sincerely& affectly. Yrs

G Washington

Letter from George Washington to David Stuart, November 30, 1785

Letter from George Washington to David Stuart, November 30, 1785. (Page 1 of 4) The George Washington letter was acquired through a generous donation from Dr. Peter Buck.

Letter from George Washington to David Stuart, November 30, 1785

Letter from George Washington to David Stuart, November 30, 1785. (Page 2 of 4) The George Washington letter was acquired through a generous donation from Dr. Peter Buck.

Letter from George Washington to David Stuart, November 30, 1785

Letter from George Washington to David Stuart, November 30, 1785. (Page 3 of 4)The George Washington letter was acquired through a generous donation from Dr. Peter Buck.

Letter from George Washington to David Stuart, November 30, 1785

Letter from George Washington to David Stuart, November 30, 1785. (Page 4 of 4)The George Washington letter was acquired through a generous donation from Dr. Peter Buck.

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