
The Smithsonian gratefully acknowledges the donors who made
possible the preservation and exhibition of the Star-Spangled Banner,
the centerpiece of the Star-Spangled Banner Campaign.
Generous support is provided by
The Pew Charitable Trusts
United States Congress
American Express Historic Preservation Fund
The John S. and James L. Knight Foundation
With special thanks to
Save America's Treasures at the National Trust
for Historic Preservation
- The Brown Foundation, Inc. of Houston
- Lawrence and Pamela Lavine and Alan and Michela Abrams
- Warren and Barbara Winiarski
- Daughters of the American Revolution
- History Channel
- Montgomery Watson Harza
- The Honorable and Mrs. Ivan Selin
- Susan and Elihu Rose
- Donna O'Ffill
- DSM Dyneema
- General Society of the War of 1812
- Abell-Hanger Foundation
- Kay and Dave Phillips
- Lt. Col. and Mrs. William Karl Konze
The exhibition is a collective effort of the staff of the National Museum
of American History, Kenneth E. Behring Center.
Brent Glass, director
Star-Spangled Banner Project Team:
- Jim Gardner, project director
- Hal Aber, director, design and public space planning
- Dana Allen-Greil, web project manager
- Jenna Andrews, project assistant
- Jeffrey Brodie, project manager
- Jane Fortune, collections manager
- Valeska Hilbig, deputy director, public affairs
- Howard Morrison, interpretive planner
- Megan Smith, interpretive planner
- Suzanne Thomassen-Krauss, chief conservator
Web site design and production by:
- Night Kitchen Interactive
“To Anacreon in Heaven” was recorded especially for this project by members of the Smithsonian Chamber Music Society with musical instruments from the collections of the National Museum of American History: James Weaver, baritone; Tina Chancey, violin made by John Marshall, London, 1759; Howard Bass, English guitar (cittern), anonymous maker, England, 1760-1780; Kenneth Slowik, cello made by John Preston, London, 1750-1770. Recording copyright Smithsonian Institution.
The nineteenth-century version of the Star-Spangled Banner was performed on original instruments from the National Museum of American History's collection. Recording copyright Smithsonian Institution.
- Smithsonian Office of Imaging, Printing & Photographic Services
The following organizations also contributed photographs to the Web site:
- The Granger Collection, New York
- National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.
- US Naval Academy Museum, Annapolis, Md.
- Maryland Historical Society, Baltimore, Md.
- Pickersgill Retirement Community, Towson, Md.
- The American Antiquarian Society, Worcester, Mass.
- The Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.
- The Mariners' Museum, Newport News, Va.
- The Star-Spangled Banner Flag House, Baltimore, Md.
- The Walters Art Gallery, Baltimore, Md.