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Laboratoire de la Communication Parlee, lcp
Laboratoires d'Electronique et de Radioelectricite, ler
Lacey, L. Y., btl1, btl4
Ladefoged, Peter, anth, edi, four, ucla
Landgraf, Lorinda L., btl1, btl4
Lane, H., hask

Languages & dialects, American English, btl2, corn, dec, eloq, hask, hert, mit, rit, votr ; dialects, eloq
Languages & dialects, Brazilian Portuguese, eloq, hert
Languages & dialects, British English, earl, edi, eloq, hask, hert, jsru, keel, rit, srde, votr
Languages & dialects, Canadian French, eloq, hert
Languages & dialects, Castilian Spanish, eloq, hert
Languages & dialects, Chinese, btl2, toho
Languages & dialects, Dutch, corn, hert
Languages & dialects, English, com, etl, hita, koba, kurz, meij, ntt, rit, tsi
Languages & dialects, Finnish, eloq, hert
Languages & dialects, French, cnet, kurz, lcp, ler, rit, tsi, votr
Languages & dialects, German, corn, eloq, hert, kurz, rit, tsi, votr
Languages & dialects, Italian, hert, kurz, rit, votr
Languages & dialects, Japanese, corn, dec, eloq, etl, hert, hita, kyus, meij, mit, nec, ntt, rrl, toho, toky, votr
Languages & dialects, Korean, eloq, hert
Languages & dialects, Mandarin Chinese, eloq, hert
Languages & dialects, Mexican Spanish, eloq, hert
Languages & dialects, Norwegian, rit
Languages & dialects, Parisian French, eloq, hert
Languages & dialects, Polish, poli
Languages & dialects, Spanish, corn, kurz, rit, spai, tsi, votr
Languages & dialects, Swedish, kurz, rit
Languages & dialects, Thai, hask

Larssen, K., rit
Laryngograph, four
Laughton, Charles, anth
Laver, John, anth
Lawrence, Walter, anth, edi, four, rit, srde, ucol
Lee, Francis Fan, mit
Leed, Richard L., corn
Lehiste, Ilse, ucol, umic
Lerner, E. J., tsi
Liberman, Alvin M., hask
Liberman, Mark Y., btl2, btl3, btl4
Licklider, J. C. R., four, srde
Lidikh, A. K., ussr
Lieberman, P., mit
Lienard, J. S., earl
Liljencrants, Johan C. W. A., rit
Lin, Kun-Shan, ti
Lin, Q. G., rit
Lindblom, B., rit
Lingua language interpreter, btl2
Linguistic Survey of Scotland, anth
Liniak, P. E., tsi
Linvill, John G., tsi
Lisker, Leigh, hask
Ljungqvist, M., toky
Lochbaum, Carol C., btl1, btl4
Lockwood, Katherine E., eloq
Locus theory for CV syllables, hask
Logan, J. S., indi
Loughborough University of Technology, jsru
Lovins, J. B., btl2, btl4
LPC (Linear Predictive Coding), btl1, ntt ; multipulse, btl1
LSP (Line Spectrum Pair), ntt
Lucas, J. P., cnet
Lund, R. T., tsi
Lvov University, ussr

MacAuley, Freddie, anth
MacIntosh, Angus, anth
MacKinney, N. P., ucla
Macchi, M. J., btl2, btl4
Maeda, S., mit, toky
Magic Wand Speaking Reader, ti
Magnus, Albertus, earl
Magnusson, Lars, rit
Majos, J., cnet
Makhoul, J., bbn
Malecot, Andre, hask
Malsheen, Bathsheba J., tsi
Marcou, ______, four, srde, ucol
Markel, John D., scrl
Marshall, Kathleen M. (Goudie), ti
Martin, M. J., cnet
Martinez, M., spai
Martinez, R., spai
Martony, J., jsru, rit
Mason, Samuel, mit
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, com, dec, indi, kurz, mit, nsa, tsi
Mathews, Max V., btl1
Matsui, Eiichi, etl
Mattill, John, mit
Mattingly, Ignatius G., hask, hist, jsru, keel, mit, nsa ; narrative poem, hask
Maxey, H. David, hask, hist, ibm
McHugh, Astrid, nrl
McIlroy, M. D., btl3, btl4
McLarnon, E., jsru
Meiji University, meij
Melpar Inc., melp
Mermelstein, Paul, btl2, btl4, hask
"Merry Christmas" song (synthetic), ibm
Metevelis, P., ucla
Michaels, Sheldon B., afcr
Mikiel, Wladyslaw, poli
Millar, John Bruce, keel
Minow, Martin, dec
MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), com, dec, indi, kurz, mit, nsa, tsi
MITalk text to speech, mit, ti, tsi ; evaluation, indi
Mitome, Yukio, nec
Mitsuoka, T., rrl
Miura, Tanetoshi, hita
Miyahara, N., hita
Miyamoto, Takanori, hita
ML-I Multilingual Voice System, votr
Morph Lexicon, mit
Morton, John, anth
Mott, Gregory, kurz
Mrayati, M., lcp
Munoz, E., spai
Murphy, James, nsa
Mynah bird speech, mit
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