Index E-H | SSSHP Contents | Labs | Abbr. | Index | Page- | Page+
Eades, Ralph, four, srde, ucol
Early Laboratories, earl
Early, Douglas M., melp
Easterly, W. Fred, Jr., ibm
Echo text to speech, ti
Electronic Associates, Inc., nsa
Electrotechnical Laboratory, etl, hita
Elenius, Kjell, rit
Eloquence text to speech, eloq
Eloquent Technology Inc., corn, eloq, hert
Elovitz, Honey Sue, nrl, votr
Emerard, Francoise, cnet
Epstein, Robert, hask
Estes, Samuel E., ibm
ETL (Electrotechnical Laboratory), etl, hita
Euphonia (mechanical speech synthesizer), earl
EVA (Electronic Vocal Analog), melp
EVT (Electrical Vocal Tract), mit
"Eye on Research" video recording, anth, four

Faber, M., earl
Fabre, _____, four
Fant, C. Gunnar M., anth, hist, jsru, mit, rit, srde
Fernandez, J. A., spai
Finn, Bernard S., hist
Flanagan, James L., btl, btl1, btl2, btl3, btl4, earl, hist
Fleckner, John, hist
Fletcher, Harvey, btl1, btl4

Formant synthesizer, afcr, anth, btl1, btl2, btl3, com, edi, eloq, hask, ibm, jsru, keel, kurz, kyus, ler, melp, mit, nec, nrl, nsa, ntt, poli, rit, rrl, spai, srde, tata, toho, toky, tsi, ucla, ucol, ussr, votr

Fourcin, Adrian J., srde, ucol ; narrative, four
FOVE Program for OVE III synthesis, hask
Frantz, Gene A., ti
Fromkin, Victoria A., ucla
Fry, Dennis B., four, srde, ucol
Fujimura, Osamu, btl2, btl4, corn, hert, hita, koba, toky
Fujisaki, Hiroya, toky
Fukudome, K., kyus
Function generator, conductive ink/resistive roller, edi, four, ibm, melp, poli, srde
Function generator, CRT scan of belt, ibm
Function generator, CRT scan of slide, edi, srde
Function generator, CRT/light pen, keel, mit
Function generator, manual control, rit
Function generator, sequential break-points, hask, rrl
Furui, Sadaoki, ntt
Fushikida, Katsunobu, nec

Gabor, Dennis, four, srde, ucol
Gagnon, Richard T., votr
Gaitenby, Jane H., hask, rit
Galyas, Karoly, rit
Gariel, ______, earl
Garrett, ______, btl1
Gauffin, J., rit
General Instrument Corp., votr
Genin, J., cnet
George, Harry, kurz
Gerbert, ______, earl
Gerstman, Louis J., btl1, btl4, hask
Girard, A., cnet
Glace, Donald A., nsa
Glace-Holmes formant synthesizer (JAWORD), afcr, jsru, nsa
Gobl, C., rit
Gold, B., btl1, mit
Goldhor, Richard S., tsi
Goldstein, Steven, kurz
Goudie, Kathleen M., ti
Granstrom, Bjorn, mit, rit
Graphic Playback Unit (Melpar Inc.), melp
Green, H. C., btl1, btl4
Greene, B. G., indi
Gries, Paul, eloq
Griffith, B. C., hask
Grimes, Joseph, corn
Groner, Gabriel F., tsi
Guerin, B., lcp

Haggard, Mark P., camb, hask
Hakoda, K., ntt
Halle, Morris, mit
Halliday, M. A. K., edi
Halsey, ______, four
Hanauer, Suzanne L., btl1, btl4
Handicap aids, rit
Handivoice (HC Electronics), votr
Hankins, J., hask
Hardcastle, Bill, anth
Harper, Helen, btl1
Harris, Cyril M., btl1, btl4
Harris, Katherine S., hask
Harshman, R., toho, ucla
Hashimoto, Shin'ichiro, ntt

Haskins Laboratories, anth, btl1, edi, four, hask, ibm, jsru, nsa, rit, srde, ucol ; speech synthesis evaluation, indi

Hecker, M. H. L., mit
Heinz, J. M., mit
Henderson, Hamish, anth
Henke, W. L., mit
Hertz, Susan R., corn, eloq ; narrative, hert
HiTech Electronics, rice
Hiki, Shizuo, hist, toho, ucla
Hirose, Keikichi, toky
Hitachi Ltd., etl, hita
Hoffman, H. S., hask
Hogan, Douglas L., nsa
Holmes, John N., four, hask, hist, jsru, keel, melp, mit, nsa, rit ; narrative, jsru
Honda, Takashi, meij
Horioka, Atsushi, kyus
Hoskins, Steve R., eloq
Houde, Robert A., bbn, tsi
House, A. S., mit
Hubler, S., ucla
Huffman, Marie K., corn, eloq
Huggins, A. W. F., bbn, four, tsi
Hunnicutt, M. Sharon (Sheri), dec, indi, mit, rit
Hunt, M. J., jsru
Hyodo, T., hita
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