Index A-D | SSSHP Contents | Labs | Abbr. | Index | Page- | Page+
Abberton, Evelyn, four
Abercrombie, David, anth, edi, four
Abramson, Arthur S., hask
Acoustic cues, hask
AFCRL (Air Force Cambridge Research Laboratories), afcr, nsa
Ainsworth, William A., keel
Air Force Cambridge Research Laboratories, afcr, nsa
Aitken, Jack, Collection, anth
Allen, Jonathan, mit, tsi
Alphabet Song (synthetic), mit
Amador-Hernandez, Mariscela, tsi
Ananthapadmanabha, T. V., rit
Anderson, Mark D., btl3, btl4
Anderson, Ron, rice
Anthony, James, edi, srde, ucla ; narrative, anth
Aoki, C., mit
Araseki, Takashi, nec
Arkhipova, A. D., ussr
Articulatory synthesis, btl2, camb, hask
Artificial Larynx, btl3
Asada, A., hita
Asakawa, Yoshiaki, hita
Aso, T., hita
Atal, Bishnu S., btl1, btl4, four
Aylsworth, Ray, ibm
Azami, Shintaro, nec

Bacon, Roger, earl
Baer, Thomas, hask
Baird, James Logie, anth
Barber, Susan M., tsi
Barnes, Laurence A., Jr., melp
Barney, H. L., btl1
Barnwell, T. P., mit
BBN (Bolt Beranek and Newman, Inc.), bbn, tsi
Beauviala, Jean-Pierre, ler
Becker, Allen, kurz
Beckman, Mary E., corn, hert
Bell Telephone Laboratories, btl, hask, hita
Bernstein, Jarad, spai, tsi
Bird, Carol M., btl1, btl4
Bixby, Carl, votr
Bliss, James C., tsi
Blomberg, Mats, rit
Bolt Beranek and Newman, Inc., bbn, tsi
Borst, John M., btl1, btl4, hask
Boucher, David, kurz
Brantingham, George Lawrence, ti
Bratenkov, B. G., ussr
Breedlove, Paul S., ti
Bridgman, Roger, four, srde, ucol
Bridle, J. S., jsru
British Post Office, four
Broadbent, Donald E., edi, four
Broihier, John C., dec, nrl
Browman, Cathrine P., btl2, btl4
Brown, Richard, kurz
Bruckert, Edward A., dec
BTL (Bell Telephone Laboratories), btl, hask, hita
Buron, Rene, ibm

Caldwell, James L., tsi
CallText text to speech, bbn, tsi
Calum, Maclean, anth
Calum, Sorley, anth
Campanella, S. Joseph, melp
Carcaud, M., cnet
Carlson, Carl W. A., afcr, nsa
Carlson, Rolf, mit, rit
Carlson, Ron, rice
Carre, Rene, lcp, ler
Carroll, Francis (Frank) X., mit
CASSY (Configurational Analogue Speech Synthesizer), hita
Catford, Ian, anth
Center National d'Etudes des Telecommunications, cnet
Chapman, William D., ibm
Cherry, Colin, four, srde, ucol
Cherry, L., btl1, btl4
Chiba, Seibi, nec
Chomsky, Noam, mit
Chuang, Chiu-Kuang, toho
Church, K. W., btl2, btl4
Ciudad University, spai
CNRS (France), four, srde, ucol
CODEC (see also Vocoder), hita
Coker, Cecil H., btl1, btl2, btl3, btl4
Colwell, E., bbn, tsi
Compufone telephone interface board, rice
Computalker Consultants, com, kurz, rice ; CT-1 synthesizer, com, rice
Conroy, Dave, dec
Cook, C., bbn
Cooper, Franklin S., btl1, four, hask, hist, rit, srde
Cooper, Jim, com, rice
Cornell University, corn, eloq, hert
Coulter, David C., melp
Courbon, Jean-Luc, cnet
Cowan, J. Milton, corn
Crowley, Michael J., dec, nrl
CTS 0256-AL2 speech synthesizer (General Instrument Corp.), votr
Cummiskey, Peter, btl1, btl4

Daguet, ______, four, srde, ucol
DANA (Dynamic Analog Nasal Tract), mit
DAVO (Dynamic Analog Vocal Tract), hita, mit
de Jong, Kenneth J., eloq
DEC (Digital Equipment Corporation), dec, mit
DECtalk text to speech, bbn, hask, kurz, mit, tsi ; development, dec ; evaluation, indi
Delattre, Pierre C., hask ; lecture, hask
Delta System (Eloquent Technology Inc.), eloq, hert
Denes, Peter B., btl1, btl3, btl4, four, ucol
Denman, J. D., btl3, btl4
Derkach, M., ussr
Dickerson, Jack A., ibm
Digital Equipment Corporation, dec, mit
Dillon, Miles, anth
Diphone synthesis, bbn, btl2, cnet, ibm, ti
Dixon, N. Rex, hist, ibm
Doddington, George, ti
Dorsey, Eric A., tsi
DuBois, G. E., ibm
Dudley, Homer W., btl1, btl3, btl4, earl
Dunn, Hugh K., btl1, btl4
Dupree, Barry C., jsru
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